Thursday 29 May 2014



137.大姐曾说两个月后的今天,《Rasa Sayang》的旋律还在她脑海里盘旋着。而我却每天都要在心里念过一遍那个温柔的问候词,像是对自己的一个问候。








Wednesday 14 May 2014


今早读到一位德国摄影大师 Martin Gommel的文章(德文已被翻译成英文),觉得很棒,在这里与大家分享。
100 Things I’ve Learned About Photography
1. Never do photography to become a rock-star
2. Enjoy what you are shooting
3. Prepare well for your shooting, realizing that your battery isn’t charge when you’re setting up for that sunrise shoot is too late!
4. Always take one warm garment more than you actually need with you
5. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions while you are shooting
6. Set goals you can achieve
7. Write tips about photography, because writing is also learning
8. Never go shooting without a
9. Be pleased with the little successes
10. Build relationships with potential photo buddies
11. Watch the place you want to shoot first with your heart… and then with the camera
Always stay calm
13. Know that you tend to overestimate yourself
14. Perspective is the killer
15. Dedicate yourself to photography, but never browbeat yourself too much
16. Take part in a
photography community
17. Keep your camera clean
Never compare yourself to others in a better or worse context
Find your own style of photography
20. Try to compose more and to hit the shutter less
21. Seek out and learn to accept 
critique on your images
Do something different to recover creativity
23. Get 
inspiration from the work of other photographers
Criticize honestly but respectfully
25. Get feedback from your lady
26. Don’t copy other photographer’s style
27. Be bold
28. Take care of the 
golden ratio
10mm rocks!
30. Take 
self portraits
31. Read 
books about photography
32. To give a 
landscape photograph the extra boost, integrate a person (maybe yourself)
33. Every shooting situation is different than you expect
34. Pay attention to 
s-curves and lines
35. Always shoot in 
Keep your sensor clean, so you can save some work cleaning your image in post production
37. Discover the things you think are beautiful
38. It takes time to become a good photographer
The best equipment is that what you have now
40. You can’t take photographs of everything
Break the rules of photography knowingly, but not your camera (感觉上这句好像是对我说的,哈哈,因为我就是那种不按牌理出牌的人!但在这之前,也必须晓得所谓的牌理才行)
42. Pay attention to the different way that light falls on different parts of your scene
43. The eye moves to the point of contrast
Clouds increase the atmosphere of a landscape
45. Start a photoblog
46. Accept praise and say “thank you”
47. ‘Nice Shot’ is not a very useful comment to write
(噢,我前一阵子才对Keng说过这样的一句话,原来not very useful啊)
48. ‘Amazing!’ isn’t useful either. Try to describe specifically what you like or don’t like about an image
49. You are not your camera
50. Ask a question at the end of your comment on a photo to get a ping-pong conversation with the photographer
51. Do a review of your archives on a regular basis, the longer you photograph – the more diamonds are hidden there
52. Always clarify what the eyecatcher (focal point) will be in your image
53. No image is better than a bad one
54. Everyone has to start little
55. Your opinion about photography is important!
56. Leave a funny but thoughtful comment
57. Speak about your experiences with your photo buddies
58. Limit your photograph to the substance
59. Participate in Photo contests
Post processing = Optimizing your image to the best result
61. Shoot exposure latitudes as often as possible
62. Use photomatix as seldom as possible, HDR’s always have a synthetic flavor
63. Always remember what brought you to photography
64. Never shoot a person who doesn’t want to be photographed – 
ask permission
65. Always turn arround, sometimes the better image is behind you
66. It’s who’s behind the camera, not the camera
Mistakes are allowed! The more mistakes you make, the more you learn!
68. If you have an idea and immediately you think : No, this is not going to work – Do it anyway. When in doubt – always shoot
Understand and look to your histograms while shooting. It delivers very important information about your image
70. Know your camera, because searching the menu button in the night is time you don’t want to waste
71. Shoot as often as possible
72. Believe in yourself
73. Don’t be afraid of getting dirty
74. Pay attention to quality in your image
75. Your photographs are a personal map of your psyche
76. Re-check your 
ISO-Settings. It’s aweful to detect the wrong settings on your screen
77. Be thankful for long and thoughtful comments on your images
78. Never trust your LCD. Normally it is brighter and sharper as the original image
79. Provide for enough disc space, because it’s cheap and you will need it
80. Learn to enjoy beautiful moments when you don’t have a camera with you(这很重要。手中的相机无论多贵重,如果与上帝所赐、可以随身携带的双眼相比,永远只能是“次货”,哈哈)
Always arrive at least half an hour earlier before sunrise / sundown, composing in a hurry is a bad thing(也难怪卫星的相机买了这么久,拍照技术还是没什么进步,嘻嘻)
82. Try to amplify your mental and physical limits. Takes some extra shots when you think “it’s enough”
83. Pay attention to structures in the sky and wait until they fit into structures in the foreground
84. Visit the same place as often as possible. Light never shows the same mountain
85. Print your images in big size. You will love it
Calibrate your monitor. Working with a monitor that is not accurate is like being together with someone you can’t trust. It always ends badlyKeng曾对我们提过他的bad monitor
87. Don’t think about what others may say about your image. If you like it, it’s worth publishing
88. Never address reproaches to yourself. Learn from your mistakes and look forward, not backward
89. Fight your laziness! Creativitiy comes after discipline
90. Ask yourself : What do you want to express in your images ?
91. Always try to think outside the box, collect new ideas about photographs you could do and ask yourself : Why not?
Search for a mentor(虽然朋友之中有不少优秀的摄影者,但暂时我应该只会打扰极光,希望小马不要介意我没缴学费,哈哈)
93. Photography is never a waste of time

94. Every community has it’s downsides. Don’t leave it out of an emotional response
95. There will always be people who will not like what you are doing
96. Henri Cartier-Bresson was right when he said that “Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”
97. A better camera doesn’t guarantee better images
98. Always have printing in mind when you postprocess your images
99. Photography is fair: You gain publicity with the quality of your images. Unless the images are stolen, there is no way of cheating yourself higher
100. Write a 100 things list

Tuesday 6 May 2014


131. 一年就这么过去了。我重读一年前所写的《战后日记》,一切都历历在目,仿佛只是昨日发生的事。然后时光飞逝了。物换星移了。勇士也陨落了。留下的只有那因爱国情操而产生的不死精神。但愿这份伫立在风中微弱的残烛之光,能长长久久地延续下去,生生不息;更像燎原的星星之火,能点燃一座座的都市丛林与每个公民的心,从此兴盛光辉。

132. 漂亮妈咪在读完我的部落格时传来简讯,推荐印尼的Mt Bromo。“你去谷歌看看,不要告诉我你不喜欢。那是不可能的事,” 她说。吉普、骑马、背包。“不需要花太多的时间,三天两夜或四天三夜就可以了。” 很明显地漂亮妈咪知道我的顾虑。有时候的我会很纳闷,难道我的心事就写在脸上,我就是一个这么容易被看穿的人吗?呵呵。

133. 对,那真的是一个很不错的地方。世界这么大,有太多想去的地方,却太少的时间。我们都在那有限的框框里不断地探索、选择、放弃,然后再选择。我不想变成一个贪心的人。如今将蒙古摆在私房地图的正中央,我要暂时忘却珠峰神秘美丽的呼唤、忘却桑托里尼的蓝白、忘却乌尤尼的水天一色。我要学会忘记。在万变的世代中、在时代的洪流里,我所能管住的,就只有自己的心。仅是如此而已。

134. 我将部落客小涵拍下的照片贴在面书墙上与大姐分享。在照片里的不是明媚风光,而是书中那段摘自郭子鹰《最好的时光在路上》的文字:在路上,你会遇见那个你最想成为的自己。那个你,卸下了都市丛林里背负的重重铠甲,活力蓬勃,宛如新生。我想自己最好的时光除了在路上,也在文字间。我曾对云儿说我只有在写作时才能找到自己。云儿说她却是在写作中才能想起自己是谁。就像一次又一次的飞行,我们在文字的翱翔中拥抱自由、遇见自己。

135. 昨夜身在台湾的简为大伙传来一张照片。她在观赏着由Discovery频道播放登山客攀登圣母峰的写实纪录。纪录的尾端说道:“自此之后,所有的登山客都不会再是一样的了。” 我想我们也是如此,简说。不知为何,这一段话让我莫名地感伤。我想起了在Chommrong那个最漫长的傍晚,我想起了在一片白茫茫的雪地里步行的那个上午,我想起了拖着红肿的脚趾在滂沱大雨中挣扎下山的午后,我想起了在这之后,每当我静下来时,耳边就会响起那群山的回音。那么遥远,却又如此靠近。我为这一切的一切,感伤又感动。不会再是一样,也不可能再是一样。